04.10.16 That You May Believe - The Well Part 2

Christians are called by God to share their faith, but too often we're too intimidated to do so. Often we don’t know what to say or how to say it. In part 2 of this message called The Well we'll look at how Jesus spoke to a woman on the outside of faith looking in, and see what it means for those of us who feel like outsiders. For those who are following Jesus, we'll learn how to speak up about our faith.

03.20.16 That You May Believe - Increase and Decrease

All of us enjoy being known and applauded and recognized. We can actually get very addicted on social media and in other places to the approval of others. In this message we look at John the Baptist, who understands some things we often miss. John understands his role and the reason God gave him a platform. All of us influence someone, so this is an important message about how we use that influence.

01.24.16 Unreasonable Servanthood

We won't let the snow stop us from finishing our series, UNREASONABLE! 

Enjoy Sunday's worship set list here ON SPOTIFY.

1. Small Groups begin next week! SIGN UP HERE for a group.

2. Ladies, don't miss out on IF:RVA and gather with women from around Richmond for worship, teaching and small group discussion. Get more information HERE.

3. We are celebrating baptisms next week at The Byrd. If you're ready and want to be a part of the celebration, check out the information and fill out the application HERE.